App for iPhone and Android (Samsung, OnePlus, etc.)
On-screen SOS button & Power Button Press sequence
Optional wireless keyfob for remote activation
True Man Down Detection with pre-warning alarm
GPS/GNSS and Indoor Positioning without tracking
TPA Timed Check-in with GPS/GNSS positioning
Simple and easy to use

Atlas SOS provides users of Android and iPhone smartphones with both SOS and Man Down alarm activation. SOS/Emergency facilities can be easily accessed from an on-screen button, power button press sequence, dedicated SOS button on Ecom/Sonim, MX, BX, Hytera, Samsung Xcover, and many other rugged smartphones and via the Atlas SOS+ Keyfob.
Positioning of a lone worker is via GPS and/or WiFi, Beacon giving both outdoor and indoor location services. Alarms can be delivered via GSM(SMS &Voice), GPRS, 3G, 4G, 5G and/or WiFi giving users the best available coverage.
TPA (Timed Personal Alert) check-in timer features are built-in. TPA continues to work even when there is no mobile coverage. With a timer running, the user can receive up to 4 reminders of the pending expiry. Users can extend or cancel the timer at any point. If the TPA expires an alarm is automatically activated.
*Some features may not be available on iPhone
Connecting people when it matters
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The needs of Councils and Municipalities are different from state to state and country to country but the fundamentals stay the same. All are looking for a cost effective system which will increase the safety and security of their staff while carrying out their normal duties.
Councils and Municipalities also have a diverse user base who require different types of devices because their job tasks are so different. Some users require the ability to activate an alert discreetly where others need water resistance or Man Down detection or just a simple to use check-in function accessible from any phone. All these requirements and more are covered by our monitoring systems (Aspect PPS) and our range of devices.
The following services and devices are most suited to the Council/Municipality sector:-
Atlas Click, Atlas Protector+,
Atlas SOS+, Atlas SOS, Atlas TPA.
The increased size of school and collage buildings coupled with longer operating hours can limit the ability for teachers or students to raise an alarm and get help quickly should the need arise.
Using something as simple as a mobile phone in conjunction with our automated monitoring systems (Aspect PPS) can muster a response in seconds. Where a dedicate emergency button is needed or discreet activation is required we have many devices to choose from.
Outdoor and Indoor positioning using multiple different methods in combination with each other or independently is supported by our systems. Technologies such as GPS Satellite positioning, BLE Beacons, WiFi AP, Pico Cell, NFC and RFID can all be used provide responders with an alert location.
Fixed location emergency/help buttons can also be used with our systems and all provide the same high speed alerting as the portable or mobile phone based devices.
Retro fitting a building to provide alerting facilities can be costly and a time consuming operation. This is why all of our systems and devices can operate wirelessly. Unlike other services, we have solutions that can operate over 2G/GSM, 3G, 4G/LTE, WiFi, SMS text messaging, Land Line/Desk phone and more.
The following services and devices are most suited to the Education sector:-
Aspect Link, Aspect CallPoint.
Atlas Click, Atlas SOS+, Atlas SOS.

Farming/Food Production
The farming and food production environment pose some unique and difficult environmental conditions. Whatever the weather, the operation must continue and this is where a device that can stand on its own is a must.
GPS positioning is a optional facility within all dedicated devices and standard in all apps. Average GPS accuracy is normally less than 10m with sub 5m accuracy common.
A selection of our lone worker/personal alarms can be configured to deliver alerts directly to family, friends and colleagues without the need for any monitoring equipment. But if requirements grow and the features provided by our monitoring systems (Aspect PPS) become needed then a simple configuration change to already purchased devices is all that is required, thus protecting the investment already made.
The following services and devices are most suited to the Farming sector:-
Aspect Link for Large Farms.
Atlas Click, Atlas Protector+, Atlas SOS+, Atlas SOS.


Healthcare is a diverse environment with unique challenges. Not just for the frontline staff, lone workers or field staff but also for the public attending hospitals, clinics, etc.
For individuals who need to be able to raise an alert quickly, easily and sometimes discreetly we have a range of devices that can be covertly or overtly used. When working in the field, this poses additional challenges and the use of timed check-in features increases the users safety along with the use of an SOS or Man down alarm.
Outdoor and Indoor positioning using multiple different methods in combination with each other or independently is supported by our systems. Technologies such as GPS Satellite positioning, BLE Beacons, WiFi AP, Pico Cell, NFC and RFID can all be used provide responders with an alert location.
Fixed location emergency/help buttons can also be used with our systems and all provide the same high speed alerting as the portable or mobile phone based devices.
Retro fitting a building to provide alerting facilities can be a very costly and a time consuming operation. This is why all of our systems and devices can operate wirelessly. We have solutions that can operate over 2G/GSM, 3G, 4G/LTE, WiFi, SMS text messaging, Land Line/Desk phone and more.
The following services and devices are most suited to the Healthcare sector:-
Aspect Link, Aspect CallPoint, Atlas CM.
Atlas Click, Atlas Protector+, Atlas SOS+,
Atlas SOS, Atlas TPA.
Manufacturing environments have challenges that can restrict the type of lone worker devices used and also locating a lone worker in need of help.
With our wide range of devices we have solutions that can be shared between users/shifts, used in harsh conditions and also in EX designated areas. No one device is the solution for every user so with our systems, users can use the device that best suits their needs and all on the same monitoring and alert system.
Outdoor and Indoor positioning using multiple different methods in combination with each other or independently is supported by our systems. Technologies such as GPS Satellite positioning, BLE Beacons, WiFi AP, Pico Cell, NFC and RFID can all be used provide responders with an alert location.
Fixed location emergency/help buttons can also be used with our systems and all provide the same high speed alerting as the portable or mobile phone based devices.
Retro fitting a building to provide alerting facilities can be a very costly and a time consuming operation. This is why all of our systems and devices can operate wirelessly. Unlike other services, we have solutions that can operate over 2G/GSM, 3G, 4G/LTE, WiFi, SMS text messaging, Land Line/Desk phone and more.
Group communications in some environments is essential to manage emergencies and general operations. Our Push to Talk (PTT) solution provides users who have a definite need for PTT functions with a simple way for many people to talk as a group without range or geographic limitations.
The following services and devices are most suited to the Manufacturing sector:-
Aspect Link, Aspect CallPoint, Atlas CM, Atlas PTT.
Atlas Click, Atlas Smart EX, Atlas BX5ex, Atlas SOS+, Atlas SOS.
The Pharma/Oil/Gas sector is very similar to standard manufacturing sectors but generally has one distinct difference. This difference is its requirement for the use of only ATEX certified equipment in many if not all areas of the plant.
To facilitate the ATEX requirement we have a range of dedicated devices and ruggedised smartphones specifically designed and certified for use in these areas.
To accompany the ATEX devices and smartphones we have a range of ATEX certified BLE Beacons which are used to provide alert location when GPS positioning is not available.
Fixed location emergency/help buttons can also be used with our systems and all provide the same high speed alerting as the portable or mobile phone based devices. These can take advantage of using ATEX certified tablets fixed at the locations required.
Group communications in ATEX environments can be essential to manage emergencies and general operations. Our Push to Talk (PTT) solution provides users or our ruggedised ATEX smartphones with a simple way for many people to talk as a group without range or geographic limitations.
The following services and devices are most suited to the Pharma/Oil/Gas sector:-
Aspect Link, Atlas CM, Atlas PTT.
Atlas Smart EX, Atlas Protector EX, Atlas BX5ex.

The needs of users in the sales or service departments can differ greatly but the fundamentals stay the same. All are looking for a cost effective solution which will increase their safety and security while carrying out their normal duties.
Sales and service personnel generally require different types of devices because their job tasks are so different. Some users require the ability to activate an alert discreetly where others need water resistance, extremely rugged devices, Man Down detection or just a simple to use check-in function accessible from any phone. All these requirements and more are covered by our monitoring systems (Aspect PPS) and our range of devices.
The following services and devices are most suited to the Sales/Service sector:-
Atlas Click, Atlas Protector+, Atlas Smart EX,
Atlas BX5ex, Atlas SOS+, Atlas SOS, Atlas TPA.
Security/Manned Guarding

Security and Manned guarding personnel are, because of the very nature of the job, at an increased risk of injury, attack or abuse. They also often work in very isolated locations and much of the time outside of normal working hours. This poses additional challenges to the safety and health.
Using something as simple as a mobile phone in conjunction with our automated monitoring systems (Aspect PPS) can muster a response in seconds. Where a dedicate emergency button is needed or discreet activation is required we have many devices to choose from and with the addition of GPS and/or indoor positioning, increasing the safety of these personnel can be easily achieved.
Using our Timed Personal Alerting (Check-in) feature provides a very simple way for security personnel to confirm their safety and all without the need of any special lone worker device.
The following services and devices are most suited to the Security sector:-
Atlas Click, Atlas Protector+, Atlas SOS+,
Atlas SOS , Atlas TPA.

People in this sector are extremely mobile and work alone for much of their day. Compounding the problem are the long distances sometimes travelled and also the fact that they can move between different jurisdictions while performing their normal work practices.
Depending on the goods being carried and their perceived value, this can elevate the risk and require that personnel in this sector be give access to devices and/or services that can be covertly activated or will be activated automatically should need arise.
Not being limited geographic location can pose problems for many systems but the monitoring and alerting technology provided by Isle Systems overcome all this by providing alerting facilities via any available communications technology from standard GSM through 3G and 4G/LTE services and even over satellite systems such as Thuraya or Iridium and others. And because our systems can be taken in-house, multinational companies can standardise the platform across all territories covered.
The following services and devices are most suited to the Transport sector:-
Atlas Click, Atlas Protector+, Atlas Smart EX,
Atlas BX5ex, Atlas SOS+, Atlas SOS, Atlas TPA.

The utility sector is very similar to the Manufacturing sector and has challenges that can restrict the type of lone worker devices used and also locating a lone worker in need of help.
An added concern for this sector are the remote lone workers such as field maintenance personnel, meter readers, etc. and the sometimes extreme conditions that these people need to work.
Having a system that can provide all of the monitoring features needed by this diverse user base without introducing any delay in alert delivery can be challenging. By utilising Isle Systems technology this can be achieved with ease and a standard common platform can be used to provide all of the facilities needed and without compromise.
With our wide range of devices we have solutions that can be shared between users/shifts, used in harsh conditions and also in EX designated areas. No one device is the solution for every user so with our systems, users can use the device that best suits their needs and all on the same monitoring and alerting platform.
Outdoor and Indoor positioning using multiple different methods in combination with each other or independently is supported by our systems. Technologies such as GPS Satellite positioning, BLE Beacons, WiFi AP, Pico Cell, NFC and RFID can all be used provide responders with an alert location. The use of site drawings within the system is fully supported so that the alert location is plotted on drawings that make the most sense to responders.
Fixed location emergency/help buttons can also be used with our systems and all provide the same high speed alerting as the portable or mobile phone based devices.
Retro fitting a building to provide alerting facilities can be a very costly and a time consuming operation. This is why all of our systems and devices can operate wirelessly. Unlike other services, we have solutions that can operate over 2G/GSM, 3G, 4G/LTE, WiFi, SMS text messaging, Land Line/Desk phone and more.
Group communications in some environments is essential to manage emergencies and general operations. Our Push to Talk (PTT) solution provides users who have a definite need for PTT functions with a simple way for many people to talk as a group without range or geographic limitations.
The following services and devices are most suited to the Utility sector:-
Aspect Link, Atlas CM, Atlas PTT.
Atlas Click, Atlas Protector+, Atlas SOS+,
Atlas SOS, Atlas TPA.