The Protection Risk of Incidents, not Accidents
In this post we look at the often overlooked area of incidents in the workplace, and make a distinction between their much less common cousi

Isle Systems Swift Blog - Case Studies in Monitoring, Alerting and Communications
Here’s the short hand on 4 recent Isle Systems case studies. 4 different situations, 4 different industries. Protecting dispersed road...

Why Manual Processes to Protect Lone Working Aren't Working
In this post we explore what the implications of the 5 problems are on the company that takes the manual approach.

The Problems with Manual Processes for Lone Working
Almost all companies have in place some kind of process to make sure they operate – and can demonstrate – a duty of care to their staff,...

Manual Approaches to Lone Worker Protection - Part 2
In a previous post we looked at a range of ways companies use manual processes to make sure they’re providing a duty of care to their...

Manual Approaches to Lone Worker Protection - Part 1
In this post we look at the monitoring approaches employed by the majority of companies

The Lone Worker Risk Assessment
This post addresses how employers should assess risk for their lone workers.

Isle Systems Swift Blog - Protecting your People, Infrastructure, Equipment
We all lead busy lives, so we’re introducing the Isle Systems Swift Blog (ISB for short). Each ISB summarises related blog posts you may...

Behind the Scenes of Lone Working - Part 2
Monitoring and alerting by themselves are no good if you don’t provide watertight communication channels.

Behind the Scenes of Lone Working - Part 1
In the first part of this two-blog-post series we look behind the front-line staff to the systems that are whirring away in the background.