App for iPhone and Android (Samsung, OnePlus, etc.)
On-screen SOS button & Power Button Press sequence
Optional wireless keyfob for remote activation
True Man Down Detection with pre-warning alarm
GPS/GNSS and Indoor Positioning without tracking
TPA Timed Check-in with GPS/GNSS positioning
Simple and easy to use

Atlas SOS provides users of Android and iPhone smartphones with both SOS and Man Down alarm activation. SOS/Emergency facilities can be easily accessed from an on-screen button, power button press sequence, dedicated SOS button on Ecom/Sonim, MX, BX, Hytera, Samsung Xcover, and many other rugged smartphones and via the Atlas SOS+ Keyfob.
Positioning of a lone worker is via GPS and/or WiFi, Beacon giving both outdoor and indoor location services. Alarms can be delivered via GSM(SMS &Voice), GPRS, 3G, 4G, 5G and/or WiFi giving users the best available coverage.
TPA (Timed Personal Alert) check-in timer features are built-in. TPA continues to work even when there is no mobile coverage. With a timer running, the user can receive up to 4 reminders of the pending expiry. Users can extend or cancel the timer at any point. If the TPA expires an alarm is automatically activated.
*Some features may not be available on iPhone
Connecting people when it matters
Ireland :
UK :
Alarm Management - Lone Workers & Home Workers

Aspect Link connects alarms to the people who need to know. Aspect Link is a fully automated monitoring and alerting system for lone workers, critical systems, process alarms and all types of assets.
Aspect 247 is a shared services version of Aspect Link, connecting alarms to the people who need to know. Aspect 247 is a fully automated monitoring and alerting system for lone workers, critical systems, process alarms and all types of assets. (Register Here)
Aspect 247+ provides 24/7 Monitoring by our class leading partner monitoring centre.​
No matter which option you choose, the Aspect Link platform will provide the most comprehensive solution to your monitoring and alerting needs. And if your needs change, the Aspect Link platform will change with you.

- Automated Alarm Processing
- Automated Responder Deployment
- Route Directly to Key Responders
- Uncomplicated Alert Management
- Outdoor & Indoor Positioning
- Alert Voice Call Recording
- Direct Audio Link to Alert
- Management Dashboard
- Alarm auditing and reporting
- Modular Design
- Cloud or Site Deployment
- Global Operation
Designed for use by lone workers & critical systems
Use any lone worker device or any mobile phone
Connect any Process or Asset alarm
Multiple delivery methods :
GSM, GRPS/3G/LTE(4G), WiFi, IP-LAN/WAN, email -
Check-in Timers with SMS text reminders
GPS and Indoor positioning using WiFi, Beacon, Cell ID, ...
Tracking not needed to plot alert location
Retrieve information about local risk levels (Point of Interest)
Tag GPS locations with additional data to aid responders
Prerecord information using voice call or text message
Automatically record all audio from alert location
Stream alert audio directly to responders
Two-way communication between lone workers and responder

Alarms from lone workers, critical systems, process alarms or assets can be delivered to Aspect Link by SMS, Voice call, GPRS/3G/4G, Wi-Fi, Two-way radio, Contact switch, email or over a LAN/WAN IP connection.
Alarms received are automatically processed by Aspect Link in seconds. This enables Aspect Link to process multiple alarms simultaneously and deliver these alerts based on a simple set of rules directly to response personnel's PC screens, mobile phones, etc...
Advanced mapping solutions are also available when using PlacePoint and CampusPoint plug-ins. These utilise internet street mapping services, off the shelf mapping software or customer specific Site drawings, aerial photographs, digital maps or any other reference images. Maps are accessible using PC's or any smartphone with internet access.
Aspect Link operates anywhere in the world where there is a telecommunications infrastructure.
Aspect Link caters for any number of users/assets from 2 to 10,000 and easily adapts as the requirements change. Systems can start small and grow to include the latest technology without user disruption.
Aspect Link is a platform that can change and adapt to your needs. With constant innovation, Aspect Link provides access to the latest technology to ensure its readiness to cater for it users needs.
Core to its design:
All hardware and software can be installed in on-premise, be hosted in the cloud, shared across multiple departments and locations or as outsourced service if preferred.
When an alert occurs, responders can talk directly to the lone worker. Responders can join the alert conference call simultaneously and all communication is recorded.
Use your own personnel as the responders or choose to use our partners to provide you with the most comprehensive 24/7 monitoring services or a mix between the different options.
Large range of lone worker devices offered. You are not limited to 1 or 2 devices that you can only purchase from one supplier.
Deliver alerts directly to responders without an intermediate person. This speeds up response and maintains the integrity of the alert information.
Use any mapping systems e.g. Google, Bing, Open Street Maps, CAD Drawings, Site Plans, etc.

Indoor positioning and location can be critical to a lone worker in need of assistance. This can be achieved using either WiFi and/or BLE Beacons. Low cost BLE Beacons (circa €30) that operate from a coin cell battery for up to 3 years can be used to provide accuracy down to less than 5 meters without installing any costly infrastructure.

Tracking is not required by the system for it to be able to provide the location of a lone worker alert. All lone worker devices and apps update their location internally within the device and only transmit this information in the event of an alert activation. If a GPS position is not available when an alert is activated the last known GPS position will be automatically sent. The devices and app will also seek to update this position if a GPS fix becomes available while the alert is active. Certification that a lone worker cannot be tracked is available on request.
Reliance on only a data connection in a lone worker device for alert facilities impacts heavily on the reliability of any lone worker system. All of the lone worker devices and apps incorporate the ability to first attempt delivery of alerts using a data connection but if this fails, will revert to delivery of the alert using SMS text messaging and voice call on selected devices/apps. This ensures the delivery of alerts even in very low signal areas.
Incorporates a feature called Timed Personal Alerting (TPA). This feature allows users to activate Check-in Timers which if they expire, an alert is automatically generated. TPA’s can be activated using SMS text messaging or a via a smartphone app.
Risk Level retrieval based on GPS coordinate. From within the SOS app a user can select the radius (default is 500m) for a Point of Interest and send this query to the PPS. Based on the users GPS coordinates the PPS will respond with details on the risk level and any other relevant information on each POI (Point of Interest) discovered.
The responses provided to each user can be filtered based on criteria defined when the POI is created. This allows POI information that is only relevant to sections/departments to be given to them when requested e.g. Maintenance personnel may not need to know about chemicals that are stored at a different departments depot.

Atlas CM gets responders attention to all types of alerts. Alarms from Lone Workers, Critical Systems, Process Alarms, Flood Alarm, Equipment Failure or Anything else are easily managed and responded to using Atlas CM.
With Atlas CM you can route specific alarms to specific responders producing a focused response by the people who need to know.
Atlas CM delivers persistent Audible, Visual and Vibration notifications. When an alert is received it overrides DND and automatically displays the alarm, making sure that the user is only disturbed when a real emergency occurs.
In areas where mobile data is unreliable, Atlas CM automatically and seamlessly switches to using SMS communications and automatically switches back when data connections stabilise.

Receive alerts within seconds
Add to any Android Smartphone
Persistent audio notification
DND Override
Scheduled Automatic Logon
Split-Screen Showing Maps & Data
Fast Alarm Delivery
GPRS, 3G, 4G & WiFi
Fallback using SMS
Atlas CM keeps all alarm recipients informed on the progress of an alert, actions taken and it's resolution.
Atlas CM is designed to work in conjunction with Aspect Link for Lone Workers or Aspect Link for Process & Asset Alarms .